My D Day!

So tomorrow is the 1st of October.. Already. How did that happen??

It is also the beginning of Stoptober…for those that don’t know its a national English thing to encourage smokers to quit.stoptober-2015

I’ve signed up. I have my pack. I have my email alerts set from my new best friend Al Murray to give me encouragement. I have a massive bag of mints and many packets of chewing gum. I have my Vapour device.

In theory I’m all set and ready to go. What I don’t have is copious amount’s of gaffer tape to tape up my mouth and to wind around my body pinning my arms to my sides to stop me from picking up the ciggs!

When nothing else works!
When nothing else  works!

I also think I’m running pretty low on will power. But this time ( I’ve tried loads like most smokers) I’m determined!

So to prepare for tomorrows first day of being a non smoker I have done absolutely nothing! The one attempt that I thought would smugly put me ahead of everyone else has failed miserably. I tried to cut down..then realised I should probably try and smoke the rest of what I have because otherwise what a waste of money ( smokers logic ) so actually all I have achieved over the last 48 hours is to actually smoke more than I usually do. Cartoon-Said-Opps-I-M-Sorry-Picture

Never mind..tomorrow is a new day. Good luck to me. More importantly good luck to my nearest and dearest. I’m a moody cow at the best of times. They are going to need more luck than me.good luck

2 thoughts on “My D Day!

  1. Best of luck from a fellow smoker! Will send all my extra patience and strength abroad for your first days. Will pack up tape after that….if you run out! All my best on this attempt! Who knows…you might inspire me?! 🙂 !!

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